SRS for Vestibular Schwannomas: Clinical Advantage to Use Pathological Micro-anatomy Dose Planning

Presented By
Portrait of Motohiro Hayashi, MD, DMSc

Motohiro Hayashi, MD, DMSc

Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Division of Gamma Knife Unit, Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo, Japan

Motohiro Hayashi, MD, DMSc, graduated from the School of Medicine, Gunma University in 1991. Thereafter, he started neurosurgical training in the Department of Neurosurgery of the Tokyo Women’s Medical University and obtained a scientific degree Doctor of Medical Sciences in 1997. In between 1999 and 2001, he visited at Timone Hospital, Marseille University, France and obtained the official French diploma (D’AFSA de Neurochirurgie) and completed training of stereotactic radiosurgery. In 2002, he returned to the department of Neurosurgery at Tokyo Women’s Medical University and became a clinical and research assistant professor in 2006 and has held that position since. He is also Visiting Associate Professor, at the Department of Radiation Oncology & Heavy Particle Ion Medical center of Gunma University, and Department of Neurosurgery of National Defense Medical University.

He has performed more than 10,600 cases with the Gamma Knife surgery and created more than 350 presentations, including 190 invited presentations at scientific conferences. Alone, he has published 225 scientific articles regarding stereotactic radiosurgery (total impact factors: 303.2). Dr. Hayashi is a past Board member of the International Stereotactic Radiosurgery Society and Chairman of the 12th Biannual Congress at Yokohama, Japan in 2015. As well as past vice president of the radiosurgery committee of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.

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